Serey and Mike for a weekend at their place near the Toe River in Yancey County, NC. But first, we had to stop in Saluda, just south of Asheville, so I could meet Jane and see shop and workroom that is RandomArts.
We were greeted by Jen who, when I told her I was part of the group that submitted journal pages to Jane's challenge, ushered me into the workroom where Jane and Meg Fowler were busy putting the pages together. All I wanted to do was sit down and work with them but as we had to keep moving, I shopped instead!

What a great store. It reminded me of those dreams I would sometimes have where I'd be shopping and find something, like a purse, and open it and find more stuff and more and more. Those dreams made me very happy. Being in Random Arts made me happy too.
Glad to meet you all and hope to come back in the Spring when Judy Wise teaches her workshop.
Jane wanted to know how I'd discovered Random Arts. Of course, blogging begets blogs. I'd been looking at Judy Wise's blog, wistfully scrolling down the list of her classes and wondering why all the good stuff was in the Northwest. Why, when there's so much art down South, is there no paper arts, journal arts groups in a community like the one I imagine was created in Portland. Then I saw that Judy was scheduled to teach in North Carolina, just one state away. And not, as I discovered on Friday, all that far.

mailbox on Main Street.....

Here's me, Meg, Jen and (seated) Jane
Lest I forget, I bought yet another copy of Danny Gregory's An Illustrated Life (a gift for Serey) and an enchanting book that picks up where The Artist's Way left off: Life Is a Verb.
1 comment:
Great picture of "Small Town Main Street USA". But this is about your Job Seeker piece. The image struck me as the wolf at the door. I am intrigued by how your mind works. So insightful, so thoughtful, so deep, so so so so I don’t know the proper word, perhaps “creative” fits the bill best. You seem to do everything (write, paint, walk, etc.) with such passion. That must be the way to live life but I imagine being so passionate can at times be very draining, of energy, of time, of creativity, of passion itself (does it leave any for others?).
I have found that sometimes creativity leads to bouts of isolation (Leave me alone so I can get this down on paper!) which causes strains on relationships, turmoil and a host of problems with SO’s. That leads us back to that “making it easy for someone to love you”. Sometimes you have to forgive someone just because you want to have them in your life. I’m not referring to physical abuse or things of that ilk but when someone does something stupid (isolates themselves perhaps) or hurts you emotionally (perhaps in retaliation) and you’re wondering about staying or going. It’s a fine line that isn’t often easy to see in the here and now. I’m getting too deep, rambling on. Besides the most true love is that of your dog’s. “Once dogs love, they love steadfastly, unchanging, till their last breath.” (from “All The Dogs Of My Life”). Wouldn’t it be everything to have someone you love, love you like that?
Back to the Jobber Seeker (because I'm happy this week to practice living the idea that Everything Is As It Should Be), remember when people are truly sincere in trying to understand what it is they are supposed to do with their lives, the universe (I prefer to think it’s God) will give them signs. I love your line “pull yourself together!” in regards to your images of body parts on different pages. It made me laugh as did you asking me if I had opened the window yet. You have a great sense of humor. By the way speaking of body parts, you also have a very beautiful eye (we can only see one in your profile pic).
Here is something that I read in a Jonathan Tropper novel. What do you think?
“You can’t accept the fact that life doesn’t come with the closure and symmetry of a movie. You hate loose ends, the knowledge that there are things in life that get screwed up and will remain irrevocably screwed up...And you can’t accept the fact that you left something behind, something messy. You want to keep going back to see if you can clean it up, make it more tidy in your mind, but it isn’t going to happen…Maybe that’s why you write, so that you can give closure to everything. You know? Achieve resolution.”
Is that why we write?
By the way, I did open the window after the two black birds (sparrows, starlings, ?) flew into it. But then the wife complained about the cold.
How did your donuts turn out?
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