1. I missed the poet’s memorial service.
2. It was Friday night at Eyedrum.
3. Don’t count on a single person returning your email. Reach out to others.
4. I’d only met her twice.
5. Kroger sells ‘fryers.’ These are tomatoes that, while not green, can be fried.
6. Buying a new copy of The Complete Printmaker for $40 is a good investment. Buying a used copy is better.
7. S. thinks this book is so important to have that everyone should have a new one. I feel better.
8. The leaves peaked this weekend: orange, red, burgundy, yellow---against a blue blue sky. Evergreens and some still emerald lawns reminding us of where we were. But worrying about the drought makes this dry beauty almost ominous.
9. Never go to Ikea on the weekend.
10. Belong to brunch group that meets monthly. We select a different theme. Last month, apples. This month: food from the movies.
11. The menu today: Duck Soup, Fried Green Tomatoes, Ratatouille, a Hummingbird Cake shaped like the mountain in Close Encounters of the Third Kind; and potato rolls in honor of the potatoes Johnny Depp danced on forks in Benny and Joon and the rolls Charlie Chaplin danced in The Gold Rush.
12. Watched “What’s Up Tiger Lily?” for the first time. How had I missed this? It’s not that funny.
13. When frying green tomatoes, dip in beaten egg, dredge lightly in cornmeal.
14. Fry in either hot bacon grease or lard. There is no point to frying in canola oil.
15. Spilled coffee on the beige carpet. On your knees, big girl. Berber holds up well to hard scrubbing, but not to stains.
16. Used tracing paper to plan out an etching. I use too many lines.
17. I was afraid to weigh myself today.
18. “The Loving Spoonful” sing throughout “What’s Up Tiger Lily?” None of those songs were released as singles.
19. Washed two loads of laundry.
20. Watched “The House of Mirth” for the second time.
21. Called 90-year old mother. She is running out of friends who can still drive.
22. “Two Wongs don’t make a White” ???
23. Hummingbird cake delicious, classic recipe spangled with persimmons and fresh raspberries. Took piece home. Threw it away.
24. The duck soup was quite strongly flavored with apple vinegar.
25. Facial twitch is back. Like an old friend you broke up with when times started getting good. Does its return signal the return of anxious days?
26. I know how much Xanex will send me to sleep, but not how much money will calm my nerves.
27. I still read novels by Georgette Heyer.
28. Laid out all the mongo I’ve picked up on my daily (M-F) morning walks: many washers, no two alike; several lovely rusted shapes; two springs; one shell; a feather; a key; wisteria seed. The collection has almost covered an 18” x 24” canvas. No, it's entirely covered it.
29. Everyone is getting at least one pair of cashmere socks for Christmas.
30. Am 1/3 of the way toward new flooring.
31. It will not be carpeting.
32. Forgot to feed the fish again.
33. He never seems to eat anyway. Other betas have gulped at the food, but not this one. It seems to live solely on the roots of the bamboo shoot.
34. He’s watching me now.
35. Today, while taking pictures of the half-eaten hummingbird cake, I scrolled through the pictures on my camera phone. There were three of my brother in the hospital, about a month before he died. I had forgotten all about them.
36. But I could not delete them.
2. It was Friday night at Eyedrum.
3. Don’t count on a single person returning your email. Reach out to others.
4. I’d only met her twice.
5. Kroger sells ‘fryers.’ These are tomatoes that, while not green, can be fried.
6. Buying a new copy of The Complete Printmaker for $40 is a good investment. Buying a used copy is better.
7. S. thinks this book is so important to have that everyone should have a new one. I feel better.
8. The leaves peaked this weekend: orange, red, burgundy, yellow---against a blue blue sky. Evergreens and some still emerald lawns reminding us of where we were. But worrying about the drought makes this dry beauty almost ominous.
9. Never go to Ikea on the weekend.
10. Belong to brunch group that meets monthly. We select a different theme. Last month, apples. This month: food from the movies.
11. The menu today: Duck Soup, Fried Green Tomatoes, Ratatouille, a Hummingbird Cake shaped like the mountain in Close Encounters of the Third Kind; and potato rolls in honor of the potatoes Johnny Depp danced on forks in Benny and Joon and the rolls Charlie Chaplin danced in The Gold Rush.
12. Watched “What’s Up Tiger Lily?” for the first time. How had I missed this? It’s not that funny.
13. When frying green tomatoes, dip in beaten egg, dredge lightly in cornmeal.
14. Fry in either hot bacon grease or lard. There is no point to frying in canola oil.
15. Spilled coffee on the beige carpet. On your knees, big girl. Berber holds up well to hard scrubbing, but not to stains.
16. Used tracing paper to plan out an etching. I use too many lines.
17. I was afraid to weigh myself today.
18. “The Loving Spoonful” sing throughout “What’s Up Tiger Lily?” None of those songs were released as singles.
19. Washed two loads of laundry.
20. Watched “The House of Mirth” for the second time.
21. Called 90-year old mother. She is running out of friends who can still drive.
22. “Two Wongs don’t make a White” ???
23. Hummingbird cake delicious, classic recipe spangled with persimmons and fresh raspberries. Took piece home. Threw it away.
24. The duck soup was quite strongly flavored with apple vinegar.
25. Facial twitch is back. Like an old friend you broke up with when times started getting good. Does its return signal the return of anxious days?
26. I know how much Xanex will send me to sleep, but not how much money will calm my nerves.
27. I still read novels by Georgette Heyer.
28. Laid out all the mongo I’ve picked up on my daily (M-F) morning walks: many washers, no two alike; several lovely rusted shapes; two springs; one shell; a feather; a key; wisteria seed. The collection has almost covered an 18” x 24” canvas. No, it's entirely covered it.
29. Everyone is getting at least one pair of cashmere socks for Christmas.
30. Am 1/3 of the way toward new flooring.
31. It will not be carpeting.
32. Forgot to feed the fish again.
33. He never seems to eat anyway. Other betas have gulped at the food, but not this one. It seems to live solely on the roots of the bamboo shoot.
34. He’s watching me now.
35. Today, while taking pictures of the half-eaten hummingbird cake, I scrolled through the pictures on my camera phone. There were three of my brother in the hospital, about a month before he died. I had forgotten all about them.
36. But I could not delete them.