
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Before the Sky Grows Ordinary

Awake at 5 am dutifully chastising myself for the misspent life, the poor choices, the addiction to self-delusion, by 6:30 I've done enough "morning pages" to feel some compassion for my walking companion. What is it like for her to walk every morning next to this quivering ectoplasm of regret? She is always so cheerful. She has led a well-intentioned life of steady work (don't disabuse me) and is rewarded now with freedom, a pension and really good health coverage. She's a good example. I am a horrible warning.
Together, at dawn, we face the same sky and receive the same gift.


  1. brilliant. a fine (and economical) meditation from start to pitch perfect finish. the last sentence is the truth of it.

  2. btw. do you get google $? i click on every link, every visit. ;-)

  3. thanks, i'm registered but haven't received any money yet.grrrr.

  4. And I receive an additional gift: starting the day in the company of a good, talented, and inspirational friend (who happens to be a phenomenal photographer).

  5. What Chick said. And don't forget it.
